Commerical Solar System

Discover the benefits of solar energy for your home. Say goodbye to high energy bills and hello to a brighter, greener future. With our customized solar solutions, you can enjoy clean, renewable energy while saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. Join the solar revolution today!

Commerical Solar

No matter what line of business you’re in, whether you operate at a national or international level, whether you sell toys, cars, or produce food for human consumption, solar panels on your commercial buildings can elevate your business to the next level and ensure you stand out from the rest.

The benefits of the commercial solar system are endless. As most businesses operate during the 9-to-5 daylight hours, a solar system without any battery backup can meet all their energy needs. The commercial solar system is the perfect energy solution for businesses looking to reduce costs, increase profitability and enhance their reputation as eco-friendly and responsible entities. It’s an investment that pays off in the long run. Installing commercial solar panels in the UK is a cost-effective solution that costs half the price of a conventional power supply, enabling you to save maximum on your electricity bill.

As a savvy business owner, you’re always looking for ways to reduce expenses and increase profits, and commercial solar panels are the answer to your prayers. With minimal maintenance requirements and a significant reduction in your electricity bill, you can save substantial amounts of money and boost your bottom line without breaking the bank. But that’s not all. By opting for a solar system for commercial use over traditional power sources, you’re not only saving money, but you’re also doing your bit for the environment. You’re reducing your carbon footprint, actively contributing to the green energy movement, and showing the world that you’re a business that cares about the planet.

Types of Commercial Solar Panel System

Just like domestic solar systems, commercial systems also come in three types. On-grid solar panel systems, off-grid solar panel systems, and hybrid solar panel systems for commercial applications. Let’s discuss each of them in detail.

Commercial On-Grid Solar System

A commercial on-grid solar system simultaneously connects with both solar panels and the grid. The on-grid system primarily utilizes the energy generated by the solar panels, but in cases where the panels are not producing sufficient electricity, it switches to grid electricity. Since most businesses in the UK operate during daytime, particularly between 9 am to 5 pm when sunlight is abundant, an on-grid solar system is the best option for such businesses. An on-grid solar system can reduce more than 50% of businesses’ energy bills and provide uninterrupted electricity to optimize the growth and efficiency of the business.

Benefits of the Off grid solar system

Increase energy independence
Financial savings
Brand reputation
Predictability energy costs

Commercial Hybrid Solar Panels System

A commercial hybrid solar system is a system that includes battery storage to store the excess electricity generated by the solar panels, which can be used during the night. If you are running a business that requires electricity usage after sunset, such as a restaurant that operates late at night, a hybrid solar system is the best choice. This system has the capability of seamlessly switching between the solar panels, grid electricity, and the electricity stored in the batteries. Additionally, the hybrid system further reduces energy costs by leveraging stored electricity during peak hours.

Benefits of On grid solar system

Brand reputation
Predictability energy costs
Increase energy independence
Financial savings

Commercial Off-Grid Solar System

Are you running a business in a remote area where access to the grid is either unavailable or very difficult? Don’t worry, an off-grid solar system is the best choice for your needs. In an off-grid solar system, businesses rely entirely on solar panel batteries and generators (for backup purposes). By switching to an off-grid solar system, businesses can eliminate the burden of surging monthly energy bills. While off-grid solar systems are relatively more expensive than the other two types, they offer energy independence and the ability to run your business 24/7 without interruptions or the fear of high electricity bills.

Benefits of hybrid solar system

Reduces your electricity bill.
It increases energy independence.
Low maintenance cost
Financial savings

Commercial Solar Panel Roof Mount

The industry leader in designing and installing commercial solar panel roof mount in the UK. With 15 years of experience under our belt, we have successfully catered to the diverse demands of businesses across all sectors in the UK. Our cutting-edge technology and unparalleled expertise enable us to design and install solar systems that not only meet but exceed our client’s expectations. By utilizing your roof to power your business, we can help you evaluate your solar panel and battery storage requirements. With a thorough analysis of your energy consumption details, we’ll determine the optimal solar size for you, thus minimizing your energy bill by using the maximum roof space available. Our bespoke solar solutions are tailored to your exact needs and specifications, whether you require flat roof solar panel, ground mount solar panels or have a pitched roof. At JSU Solutions Group Ltd, we’re committed to delivering exceptional installation service that’s second to none. Get in touch with us today to find out how solar panels can power business with clean, renewable energy.

Benefits of hybrid solar system

Reduces your electricity bill.
Low maintenance cost
Brand reputation
Financial savings

Commercial Ground Mounted Solar Panels

Ground-mounted solar panels are the perfect solution for businesses that need an uninterrupted supply of electricity but have limited space on their building roofs or don’t have direct access to the grid system. Our custom-designed ground mounted solar panels are engineered to withstand your unique ground conditions, ensuring maximum sunlight capture and an uninterrupted power supply for your business.

The system has a minimal environmental impact and can be installed seamlessly into the surrounding area, making them an ideal choice for farmers and businesses alike. With years of experience in the industry, JSU Solutions Group Ltd has enabled countless businesses to achieve energy independence with our top-of-the-line services.

While ground mounted installation may take more time than roof-mounted installations, our team will handle the planning permission and conduct thorough feasibility studies and ground surveys to ensure that your project is completed as quickly and efficiently as possible. Trust us to help your business transition to a more sustainable energy source with our exceptional ground mounted solar panel services.

Benefits of hybrid solar system

Reduces your electricity bill.
It increases energy independence.
Low maintenance cost
Increases property value and makes it more attractive for potential buyers

Max Profits

Easy Installation

Low Utility Bills


Are Commercial Solar Panels Right for my Business?

Yes! Investing in Solar-powered energy is a wise decision from a business perspective. While the initial installation cost may be slightly higher, the long-term benefits of significantly reduced monthly energy bills make it a highly worthwhile investment. Moreover, your brand will be highly regarded in the market for choosing a sustainable energy source that benefits the environment, instead of harmful energy production methods.


Do I Need to Consider Battery Storage with Commercial Solar Panels?

Most businesses that operate primarily during daylight hours can rely on solar panels alone to meet their commercial power needs without needing to invest in battery storage. However, for those businesses that operate 24/7 or have significant power requirements at night, having a reliable backup system like battery storage is essential to ensure an uninterrupted power supply. With battery storage as a backup plan, such businesses can reduce their dependence on the national grid and be better prepared for power outages or grid failures.


Is There Any Govt. Incentives or Rebates for Commercial Solar panels?

While there may not be any government incentives currently available for commercial solar installations in the UK, there are other ways that businesses can benefit financially. For example, solar panel systems can be financed through leasing or power purchase agreement (PPA) incentives, which can help businesses to reduce upfront costs and make solar energy more accessible. Additionally, businesses that generate excess energy from their solar panel systems can sell it back to the national grid, earning revenue and contributing to a more sustainable energy future.

How Long Does it Take for Solar Panels to Pay for Themselves?

The time it takes for commercial solar panels to pay for themselves, also known as the payback period, can vary depending on a range of factors such as the cost of the system, the amount of energy it generates, the price of electricity, and any available incentives or rebates. Typically, commercial solar panel systems have a payback period of anywhere between 5 to 10 years. However, some systems with higher upfront costs and lower energy generation may have a longer payback period.

Are there currently any grants supporting the installation of solar panels?

Unfortunately, currently, there aren’t any grants available for solar panel installation in the UK. However, for those who have already gone solar or are planning to do so, there is the Smart Export Guarantee (SEG). This scheme enables households and businesses to receive payments for any surplus energy they export back to the National Grid.

Do solar panels affect your house insurance?

Solar panels are usually included as standard in most home insurance policies. This means that you don’t usually have to take out a separate insurance policy to insure them. However, it’s worth noting that there have been instances where people have been refused insurance after installing solar panels, so it’s important to double-check with your insurer. As solar panels are considered part of the structure of your house, they are generally covered under your building’s insurance. It’s a good idea to make sure that your insurance policy provides sufficient coverage to replace the panels if needed

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